The Beginning…
This is a brief journey of how far I have gone in computing and it started academically.
The First Coming: QBasic
It all began with the computer programming language named Quick Beginners All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code (QBasic). QBasic is an Integrated Development Environment for Basic Programming. I first met this programming language back then in school. At that time where to begin was a problem, I needed some help but I did not know where to go for such help. The language was learned in partial fulfillment of a particular course. It was all good that the internet still exists. Of course, it came to my rescue. At the end of the said course onto which this programming language was attached, I fell deeper in love with programming, I mean our relationship became strong.
The Second Coming: Java
After something that looks like war; yes I fought with QBasic and it nearly won the battle, Java Programming Language emerged alongside another course. I merely defeated QBasic, but Java was a different beast altogether. This time having picked some tools in the ‘first coming’ I was more experienced, but I needed formal help. My journey here was like as written in a certain religious script:
…that this Angel-A was sent to answer the prayers of a certain servant of God (a supreme being in some religions, that knows, was before and in charge of all things). It happened that Angel-A was held and in battle with a certain beast named Prince of Persia…. Later on, this angel told this servant of God that after the prince is defeated (with the help of Angel-B) the Prince of Greece will emerge.
From the script: I represent the servant of God, the Persian Prince reps QBasic, Prince of Greece reps Java, Angel-A is the Internet, while Angel-B is Java for Dummies.
I spent much time with the book following every bit of steps and I was rescued. Using Java Programming Language, I wrote this program that implements Lagrange Interpolation polynomials.
The Third, Fourth, and Fifth Coming:
The Third coming was C++, with the experience I had with Java it was easy this time around. The fourth and fifth coming were together, PHP and MySQL. This time I embraced new tools like Wamp and Xamp servers. I learned some database theory and application. This time it was fun because it seems I was working on a real-life project: why? Because my little coding effort can perform some CRUD operation which gives me that feels like that of a production project.
The Conclusion:
The king of the web, JavaScript (JS) Programming Language, was what I learned last. I first met JS when I wanted to implement a feature that makes requests to the server without refreshing the current page. I can also use some Python to implement features.
Currently, I specialize in Web (Backend) Development. The major languages I uses are Python and JavaScript while PHP is my minor.